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v1.0.0 - 2023-06-13

This was quite a journey to make this release and push it to v1.0.0. So far, this whole documentation was created inside the Obsidian but since all the files are just a flat text file written using Markdown syntax , you were unable to see it. The reason for that was simple: integration with Obsidian was not "mature" enough to be presented. You can ask: "Why? Obsidian just uses the same Markdown syntax as MkDocs uses" . The answer to that is not so obvious. The simple answer is just "yes" , but the real answer is "not always" . Obsidian introduces some additional syntax options like callouts (equivalent to Markdown admonitions ) and WikiLinks for creating internal links. If you use them "as is" in MkDocs, you will see a pure (not parsed) text, not the intended one since MkDocs does not understand this syntax. To make it "understandable" for MkDocs, it has to be "translated" into regular Markdown syntax.

Translation is non-destructive

All markdown translations (or rather I should say conversions) are non-destructive to your Obsidian vault and occurs "on the fly" while static files are produced. It means that you can use this plugin side-by-side with Obsidian and use, for example, git repository as your vault backup. You don't have to copy or specially prepare your files before using this tool.

For that reason, a new plugin was created, that supports not only the mentioned Obsidian elements, but also some additional ones like:

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v0.5.0 - 2023-04-04

Material for MkDocs has its own social cards plugin , but there are some limitations of it (or rather I should say, their implementation is limiting in some areas). The Material approach to social cards is to generate an image based on document information and requires changing the template manually to add those cards.

Publisher for MkDocs uses a different approach to social cards:

  • you can set an image per document, but you have to create this image by yourself - it gives you a better control over how it looks like, so it can be more create than the one generated from the template,
  • you don't have to change a document template because all the data related to social cards is injected into HTML code of the document while rendering it.

If you need support for additional plugins, please make an issue with a future description.

For more details about this release, read more below or jump directly to pub-social plugin documentation.

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v0.4.1 - 2023-03-28

It's a quick fix for a small problem in v0.4.0 .

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v0.4.0 - 2023-03-28

In this release, many things have happened, but the most important one is a project rename.

During a development, many ideas about further development came to my mind. I have created a backlog .

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v0.3.0 - 2023.02.20

This release was a quick fix for a wrong directory structure in site-packages after package installation.